Thursday 7 March 2013


Medicine Balls

There are two types of strength training, these are; medicine balls and resistance machines.

Strength is the greatest force that can be made in a muscle or group of muscles during a single maximal contraction.
Medicine balls can improve strength when used with other types of training programs such as weight training and circuit training. Also medicine balls can be used as part of plyometric training. They are used in sports that use a lot of explosive movements. The balls are appropriate to all levels of ability and age. For the medicine balls to be effective the exercise should match the pattern of movements made in the sport. 

When planning a program the following things should be took into account;
A warm up and cool down is essential
Partners who feed the medicine ball on certain exercises should know exactly what is involved
High intensity work out is needed
Start sessions with lighter dynamic exercises then progress to heavier exercises
An effective work out can be achieved in about 30-40 minutes 

An advantage of medicine balls is it allows athletes to enhance their sports as you have to match the movements in the sport with the medicine ball to get effective training. Another advantage is is can be used by anyone, there is no age rule or a rule of not using it if you have a medical problem. 

A disadvantage is there a many different types of medicine balls, for first time users they may feel confused and not sure which ball to use as they are new to the exercise and may then feel that it is to complicated and not use them. Another disadvantage is the medicine balls can break during training, this then effects their weight and movement which means the user wouldn't be getting the full use. 

Training Method

In football, using a medicine ball to train a throw in will improve their arms and shoulder. This would then improve the height and distance of the throw. 

The following is an example of a training program;

With a partner, stand back to back 1 metre apart, keep hips facing forward and legs slightly relaxed and pass the ball to one another by only twisting the torso. (2 x 10)

Lie flat facing the ground, then the partner rolls the ball down the back and when it reaches the heels of the feet the ball is flicked up and caught by the partner. (2 x 8)
Stand with feet together with hands behind ball and elbows out, step forward and push the ball upwards and towards the partner. (2 x 8)

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