Friday 15 March 2013


Welcome to my Blog!!!

The purpose of this blog is to inform you about the six different components of fitness. It tells you what they do to help keep athletes and non athletes fit and healthy and the advantages and disadvantages of the training types. 
The following words are the six different components of fitness;







Thursday 7 March 2013


Sports Specific Sprint Training

There are two types of speed training, these are; Parachute runs and sports specific sprint training.
Speed is the ability to move quickly across the ground or move limbs rapidly to grab or throw. It is not just how fast someone can run but is dependent on their acceleration, how quickly they can move from a stationary position.

Sport specific sprint training is speed training that includes the skills needed for a particular sport. The type of speed skills vary greatly from one sport to the next.  Some sports, such as tennis, are more dependent on short quick changes of direction. 

The sprint training should be specific to the sport that you take part in and you should train the movements. In tennis short quick changes of direction are needed so the players should train in sprinting a short distance and then quickly changing direction on a whistle blow.

 In football however, midfielders have to cover a lot of space so their training should include work on maximum velocity and endurance as they need to walk, jog and sprint in many different directions for a long period of time. 

An advantage of this training is that it naturally increases the body's endurance strength. Through sprinting and speed training exercises, the body increases its ability to store oxygen which helps the muscles function in all forms of exercise. Also sprinting increases the mitochondria size, this helps as working muscles receive more energy because of the cells being better suited to store and release energy in an efficient manner. 
Training Methods  
In football, to train the players you would get them to sprint from the goal line to the edge of the six yard box and back then sprint 12 yards and back then to the 18 yard box and back. Doing drills trains the person better in speed than just sprinting 100m over and over.



There are two types of power training types, these are; Plyometrics and hill sprints.
Power is the ability to apply maximum muscular contraction instantly in an explosive burst of movements. The two components of power are strength and speed, for example a sprint start.
Plyometric training involves quick, powerful and jumping movements.Its purpose is to increase muscular power and dynamic strength. Plyometrics should only be performed by athletes with a good training background and under the supervision of a coach or trainer experienced in this kind of training. 

The advantages are that they improve strength in both upper and lower body. Also because plyometrics require a lot of energy they utilize the whole body and activate most muscle groups therefore burning many calories in a single session and aiding weight loss. 

The only real disadvantage is the high risk of injury. The repetitive jumping and bounding can cause stress on the joints. Plyometrics shouldn't be done if you have arthritis or joint issues. Also untrained people shouldn't try this training as the muscles surrounding the joints are weaker and may not give the correct support. 

Training Methods
Plyometrics are good for sprinters. In training, doing jumping squats would strengthen the legs which are the main muscles used when sprinting. 

Below are some examples of exercises that could be done to train lower and upper body muscles.

Jumping over barriers such as hurdles

Jumping on the spot then into a squat then jump ect
Involve a raised box or step which is jumped onto or off.
Most intense form of plyometrics. Stepping off a box landing then jumping forwards  upwards or sometimes onto another box immediately.


There are four types of different flexibility training, these are; static, dynamic, ballistic and PNF.

Flexibility is the capacity of a joint or muscle to move through its full range of motion. The degree of flexibility can vary around the body. Gymnastics is the main sport that requires the body to be flexible.

The three other stretches are dynamic, ballistic and PNF.
Dynamic stretching involves repeatedly performing challenging stretches. Each movement requires control and more coordination that static stretching due to the repetitious motion. These stretches are often used in a warm up.
Ballistic stretches are a form of dynamic stretches using the bouncing motion. They force the limb into an extended range of motion when the muscle has not relaxed enough to enter it.  
PNF is an acronym for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. This type of flexibility training is unique as it requires a partner. PNF stretching involves stretching and contraction of the muscle group being worked.

Static stretching refers to how far a muscle can be passively stretched around a joint, for example how far you can move when trying to touch your toes. This type of stretch routine serves to lengthen the resting muscle lengths and to restore ideal posture to the body. This greatly reduces the chance of injury. 

Static stretching should be done after exercise, it should not be done if activity hasn't been done as the body isn't loose enough. The stretches are achieved gradually and held in a position for a certain amount of time usually around 10-20 seconds. 

An advantage of static stretches are they are the safest form of stretch. You can take your time and push yourself to the limit easily without worrying about pushing yourself too far. Another advantage is it can be done by anyone, no training is needed. Also people that are out of shape or weak can also do it and find it quite easy. 

A disadvantage is it can take a long time, especially if you are going to stretch the whole body. Another disadvantage is it can only stretch a muscle within the body's natural range of motion. 

Training Method
A runner would use static stretches after they have done exercise. They would focus on their legs so they would stretch their hamstrings and quads as they are the muscles used the most while running. This would prevent the muscles becoming tight and causing injury.

The following are stretches that are done after exercise to prevent injury in the body.

 Lie on back, keep right foot on the ground with your knee bent at 90 degrees. Raise left leg up, grab it below the ankle and pull it towards the shoulders. Pull leg until you feel a slight pull. Hold that position for about 10-20 seconds then switch leg and repeat.

While standing on the left foot, pull right foot up towards right hip. Keep lower leg aligned with the thigh. Pull until you feel a gentle stretch and hold for 10-20 seconds then switch leg and repeat.

Stand tall with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Place right arm, parallel with the ground across the front of your chest and bend the left arm up using the forearm to ease the right arm closer to the chest. Repeat with the other arm. 

 Stand tall with one leg in front of the other, place hands flat, at shoulder height, against a wall. Ease the back leg further away from the wall, keeping it straight and pressing the heel firmly on the floor. Keep hips facing the wall and the rear leg and spine in a straight line. You will then feel a stretch in the calf of the rear leg. Repeat with other leg.


Medicine Balls

There are two types of strength training, these are; medicine balls and resistance machines.

Strength is the greatest force that can be made in a muscle or group of muscles during a single maximal contraction.
Medicine balls can improve strength when used with other types of training programs such as weight training and circuit training. Also medicine balls can be used as part of plyometric training. They are used in sports that use a lot of explosive movements. The balls are appropriate to all levels of ability and age. For the medicine balls to be effective the exercise should match the pattern of movements made in the sport. 

When planning a program the following things should be took into account;
A warm up and cool down is essential
Partners who feed the medicine ball on certain exercises should know exactly what is involved
High intensity work out is needed
Start sessions with lighter dynamic exercises then progress to heavier exercises
An effective work out can be achieved in about 30-40 minutes 

An advantage of medicine balls is it allows athletes to enhance their sports as you have to match the movements in the sport with the medicine ball to get effective training. Another advantage is is can be used by anyone, there is no age rule or a rule of not using it if you have a medical problem. 

A disadvantage is there a many different types of medicine balls, for first time users they may feel confused and not sure which ball to use as they are new to the exercise and may then feel that it is to complicated and not use them. Another disadvantage is the medicine balls can break during training, this then effects their weight and movement which means the user wouldn't be getting the full use. 

Training Method

In football, using a medicine ball to train a throw in will improve their arms and shoulder. This would then improve the height and distance of the throw. 

The following is an example of a training program;

With a partner, stand back to back 1 metre apart, keep hips facing forward and legs slightly relaxed and pass the ball to one another by only twisting the torso. (2 x 10)

Lie flat facing the ground, then the partner rolls the ball down the back and when it reaches the heels of the feet the ball is flicked up and caught by the partner. (2 x 8)
Stand with feet together with hands behind ball and elbows out, step forward and push the ball upwards and towards the partner. (2 x 8)

Muscular Endurance

Circuit Training

There are four different types of training that can be done to improve muscular endurance, these are; circuit training, free weights, resistance training or core stability.

Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to keep up repeated contractions against a resistance for an extended period of time.

Circuit training is an excellent way to improve mobility, strength and stamina. It is made up of 6-10 strength exercises that are completed one after another. Each exercise is performed for a set amount of time or reps. A rest period separates the exercises, usually the rest period is short, around 1 minute. 

When planning a circuit you have to make sure that two exercises don't exercise the same muscle group, such as doing press ups followed by pull ups. The circuit should be set up so that you work each body part; total body, upper body, lower body, core, total body ect. 

Cushioned mats should be placed on the floor with cards stating what exercise should take place, what you have to do and how long the rest is. A warm up and cool down is essential. The duration of the exercise can be based on time, so 1 minute exercise 1 minute rest then move onto the next exercise and do the same. 

To increase the circuits difficulty you could make the exercises harder. Instead of doing a normal press up you could raise your legs which would make the exercise harder, increasing the circuits difficulty. 

You could also use a gym ball when doing sit ups, this uses more muscles due to you having to stabilize your weight. By making the exercises harder you are increasing the difficulty of the circuit which means the body is getting more of a work out.

An advantage of circuit training is it can be easily structured to provide training for the whole body. Another advantage is that a circuit can be made up of non expensive gym equipment which means it is easy to set up due to it not being expensive.

A disadvantage is  a great amount of space is needed, you need to be able to set 6-10 exercises out that are a suitable distance apart. Another disadvantage is you need to be in good health condition and not have any medical problems such as a back problem. The exercise will make the problem worse if you are doing exercises that involve the back such as reverse crunches. 

Training Method

Circuit training is good for football players. As they need quick changes of direction and agility, circuit training is able to maximize their potential on the field. Circuit training allows movement based exercises and agility work which is critical in football, the exercises should be performed at medium-fast speed and intensity for maximum results. 

Many circuits use body weight exercises to build strength to avoid bulking the body up to much meaning the players would be carrying around unnecessary weight. Players would benefit from repetitious, high intensity exercises for endurance. Circuits are performed quickly, usually for between 15 and 30 minutes, it incorporates muscle endurance by exercising quickly at high speeds. 

An example of a footballers circuit;

Punt, sit and trap. Jumping of the ball. Sit ups with the ball. Wall volley kick.
Juggling (using head only). 12 core circle dribbles. Push ups on the ball.
Juggling (using all body parts).
An example of a circuit for a non sporting person;









Friday 1 March 2013

Aerobic Endurance

Interval Training
There are three different types of training that is done to improve aerobic endurance, these are; continuous, Fartlek and interval.

Aerobic endurance is the ability to exercise continuously for extended periods without tiring. A persons aerobic fitness level is dependent upon the amount of oxygen which can be transported by the body to the working muscles via the lungs, blood system and the efficiency of the muscles to use that oxygen.
  Interval training improves aerobic endurance by varying          the intensity and length of the work periods. In interval training, athletes perform a work period then a timed rest or recovery period before sprinting again.

An example is sprinting from one line to another which is of a small distance then rest for 15 seconds. Then sprint back to the opposite line where you decrease the rest time to 10 seconds, this makes the session more intense.

When doing interval training over a training program the body would get used to the training and the body would stop improving, so to stop this happening the sprinting distances and rest times could be changed. By changing them it would keep the body working out and improving.

When designing an interval training program the following things should be took into account;
The number of intervals (rest and work periods)
The intensity of the work interval
The duration of the work interval The duration of the rest interval
The intensity of the rest interval
The benefits are that the training allows a clear progression and it helps lower heart and breathing rate in a game that has a high intensity such as basketball or football. This allows you to have recovery time to lower the breathing rate and to give the heart and muscles a rest.
One disadvantage is that it is not perfect for people who are new to exercise. Because of the difficulty level beginners may try it and feel it’s too hard and stop exercising.  This means people who need to exercise due to weight problems might not stick to the interval program as they find it too hard.  
Training Methods
One way in which you could train is marking out a straight running distance which is no longer than 30-40m. Then sprinting from one side having a rest of 2 minutes then sprinting back and having the rest. To raise the intensity you could decrease the resting time. 
Interval training would be used in team games such as football. When sprinting with the ball then passing or shooting. The player would sprint and then rest then maybe sprint again.

For 100m sprint athletes, interval training will help prepare them for explosive work that they have to do on a regular basis. Running 120 yards followed by 100, 90 and 80 yard sprints. Taking no more than 15 second rests between sprints. When finished all four, a two minute break is needed and then repeat the set.