Interval Training
There are three different types of training that is done to improve aerobic
endurance, these are; continuous, Fartlek and interval.
Aerobic endurance is the ability to exercise continuously for extended periods without tiring. A persons aerobic fitness level is dependent upon the amount of oxygen which can be transported by the body to the working muscles via the lungs, blood system and the efficiency of the muscles to use that oxygen.
Aerobic endurance is the ability to exercise continuously for extended periods without tiring. A persons aerobic fitness level is dependent upon the amount of oxygen which can be transported by the body to the working muscles via the lungs, blood system and the efficiency of the muscles to use that oxygen.
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An example is
sprinting from one line to another which is of a small distance then rest for
15 seconds. Then sprint back to the opposite line where you decrease the rest
time to 10 seconds, this makes the session more intense.
When doing interval training over a training program the body would get used to the training and the body would stop improving, so to stop this happening the sprinting distances and rest times could be changed. By changing them it would keep the body working out and improving.
When doing interval training over a training program the body would get used to the training and the body would stop improving, so to stop this happening the sprinting distances and rest times could be changed. By changing them it would keep the body working out and improving.
When designing an interval training program the following things should be took into account;
The number of intervals (rest and work periods)
The intensity of the work interval
The duration of the work interval The duration of the rest interval
The intensity of the rest interval
The intensity of the work interval
The duration of the work interval The duration of the rest interval
The intensity of the rest interval
benefits are that the training allows a clear progression and it helps lower
heart and breathing rate in a game that has a high intensity such as basketball
or football. This allows you to have recovery time to lower the breathing rate
and to give the heart and muscles a rest.
One disadvantage is that it is not perfect for people who are new to exercise. Because of the difficulty level beginners may try it and feel it’s too hard and stop exercising. This means people who need to exercise due to weight problems might not stick to the interval program as they find it too hard.
Training Methods
One way in which you could train is marking out a straight running distance which is no longer than 30-40m. Then sprinting from one side having a rest of 2 minutes then sprinting back and having the rest. To raise the intensity you could decrease the resting time.
Interval training would be used in team games such as football. When sprinting with the ball then passing or shooting. The player would sprint and then rest then maybe sprint again.
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For 100m sprint athletes, interval training will help prepare them for explosive work that they have to do on a regular basis. Running 120 yards followed by 100, 90 and 80 yard sprints. Taking no more than 15 second rests between sprints. When finished all four, a two minute break is needed and then repeat the set.
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